Saturday, 12 September 2015

Deja Vu - Trailer analysis

For the trailer analysis task i have chosen to look at the action, sci fi, thriller Deja Vu.

I have chosen this trailer as it is one of my favourite films and I thought the trailer used some interesting techniques in order to represent the film such as...

The use of repetition throughout the trailer draws in the audience and makes them feel as if they are experiencing Deja Vu much like the main character played by Denzel Washington. The pulsing and fading to black transitions also help to create disorientation for the audience and try to represent the "tricks of the mind".

The voice over throughout is effective in explaining the complex narrative, however not only a narrator is used as clips from the film with speech also feature.

Another important thing to note is the shots used in the trailer flaunt the amazing use of special effects in the film. The opening shot of the trailer features a huge explosion which is included to attract a specific audience who are interested by these effects.

Music is an important feature in this trailer as it helps to build suspense.

The trailer also tells us who the main character is, as he features throughout (Denzel Washington).

Billing and credits are included, also a web link is feature right at the end of the trailer. The font is simple; Bold, black and white. When the font appears especially when the title comes up on screen it shudders this creates a disconcerting effect often used in horror movies.

I think the most effective feature in this trailer is the way all the film techniques have been used to mimic the feeling of Deja Vu and this is important as this is what the subject matter of the film is based on.

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