Sunday, 28 June 2015


Where are film trailers shown?

Film trailers are exhibited everywhere as they are a key part of a films marketing campaign.
Films cost an exorbitant amount of money to produce and therefore the trailer id produced with the aim to be distributed widely in order to bring in the largest revenue so maximum profit is made.

The easiest and cheapest way to distribute a film is online, especially through the use of social media websites such as Facebook.

Youtube is the most common website use to vastly distribute film trailers, however other websites such as vimeo are also used.

Film websites such as imbd, aswell as containing information about the film also always have a link to view the trailer.

The first way I remember viewing movie trailers was as advertisements on dvd before watching the particular film I had bought. This method was effective as the film producers etc. can advertise trailers related to the film the audience has chosen.

Cinemas also exhibit film trailers, they like dvd's also do this based on the film the audience is viewing as they are always trying to target there target audience to bring in the largest revenue. Cinemas have 20 minutes of trailers before the actual featured film.

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